The primary specialty of ABJ Equine is the diagnosis and treatment of lameness. Our diagnostic approach consists of a progressive evaluation that includes palpation, joint flexion, nerve and joint blocks. We also offer digital radiographs and ultrasound for more complex cases along with several effective treatments for lameness that include: routine Legend and Adequan shots, shockwave therapy, intra-articular joint injections, MAP® treatments (interleukin receptor antagonist protein), ACS treatments, PRP treatments (platelet rich plasma) and Tildren treatments (both IV and Distal Limb Profusion).
We offer pre-IRAP® consultations, uterine cultures and biopsies, artificial insemination, reproductive ultrasound, pregnancy exams, and post-natal care for your mare and her foal.
Lameness Diagnosis and Treatment
IRAP®, Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein Plasma extracted from blood
This treatment is showing promising results for the treatment of osteoarthritis in horses. Equine athletes are susceptible to musculoskeletal injuries and osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD). Improves lameness and may decrease joint swelling.
ACS or IRAP™ II - A regenerative treatment that decreases inflammation and increases circulation in damaged tissues.
PRP - Platelet Rich Plasma
Blood is processed to separate platelets and re-injected. This process releases growth factors that promote natural tissue healing.
APS- Autologous Protein Solution
Natural, Drug-Free Treatment for Joint Pain and Arthritis Extracted blood centrifuged to a super concentrated joint injection These injections are capable of slowing cartilage degradation and improving mobility reducing pain associated with arthritis. (This entire process can be completed in less than one hour locally)
Anicell Biotech- regenerative tendon ligament damage. We now offer veterinary medicine’s newest technology Anicell Biotech. Regenerative products for horses’ tendon and ligament damages and hard-to-heal superficial wounds as well as eye wounds.

Digital Radiology
We offer digital radiographs, the newest and best method of obtaining x-rays in the horse. The primary advantage of Digital Radiology is that it allows us to immediately view and verify the radiographs at the time of the exam. We can then confer with you onsite and immediately choose a course of action to treat your horse’s lameness.
Diagnostic Ultrasound
Using diagnostic ultrasound, the “gold standard" in the evaluation of tendon and ligament injuries on the horse is most helpful in imaging soft tissues and fluid filled structures where radiographs produce a conclusive diagnosis. It can also be beneficial to diagnose pregnancy in mares and internal medicine problems by imaging organs and soft tissues in the body cavity.
- Tendon and ligament injuries
- Abdominal review (heart, liver, etc.)
- IRAP® and reproductive imaging (diagnosing pregnancy and artificial insemination)
- Lung imaging

Lithotripsy or “Shockwave” Treatments
One of our most effective treatments for chronic lameness is shockwave therapy. Lithotripsy It is a cutting edge treatment in the horse industry that is used to treat various conditions causing lameness. Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that does not require general anesthesia. There are few, if any, known side effects. The regimen usually consists of a series of 3 treatments each lasting about 10-20 minutes.
ABJ Equine believes that proper dentistry is essential to your horse's general health. Routine dental floats, every six months to a year, will greatly improve your horse's quality of life and longevity. We work closely with dental specialists to provide our clients with the best possible dental care. A practice based out of Las Vegas, Nevada services several states and they make regular trips to our area.
For more information or to make an appointment call:
Office: 702-896-6080
Dentistry Scheduling: 702-768-7309
Red Rock Equine Dentistry
10620 Southern Highlands Parkway Suite 110-458
Las Vegas, NV 89141

Pre-Purchase Exams
Pre-purchase exams are for clients who are looking to buy a new horse. Contact us if you would like to schedule a pre-purchase exam.
ABJ Equine Practice
Dr. Anne McCabe
[email protected]
Equine Health
We provide services to meet all your horse's general health needs. At ABJ Equine we emphasize preventative health measures to keep your horse at peak health. This includes general deworming and vaccinations and other routine healthcare procedures.
A variety of diagnostics to monitor your horse's health most commonly performed include:
A complete blood work up (including specific viral and metabolic panels)
Endocrine and Allergy profiles
Pathogen culture
If you are traveling across state lines with your horse, we can provide you with the proper documentation. Simply schedule a vet exam to obtain your Health Certificate and Coggins Test.

We also offer pre-IRAP® consultations, uterine cultures and biopsies, artificial insemination, reproductive ultrasound, pregnancy exams, and post-natal care for your mare and her foal.
IRAP®, Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist Protein Plasma extracted from blood
This treatment is showing promising results for the treatment of osteoarthritis in horses. Equine athletes are susceptible to musculoskeletal injuries and osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD). Improves lameness and may decrease joint swelling.
PRP — Platelet Rich Plasma
Blood is processed to separate platelets and re-injected. This process releases growth factors that promote natural tissue healing.
APS- Autologous Protein Solution
Natural, Drug-Free Treatment for Joint Pain and Arthritis Extracted blood centrifuged to a super concentrated joint injection These injections are capable of slowing cartilage degradation and improving mobility reducing pain associated with arthritis. (This entire process can be completed in less than one hour locally)
STEM CELL Treatments
Extract rejuvenating cells from bone marrow or fat tissue that produce replacement cells typically used in treating arthritic conditions and sport injuries. (This is often used in conjunction with PRP)
To decrease inflammation in horses benefiting early arthritis, synovitis, capsulitis, generalized joint inflammation that is not responding to traditional NSAID and joint therapies. It is especially useful in treating soft tissue injuries such as suspensory ligament tears, avulsion fractures and tendon/tendon sheath injuries. ACS decreases inflammation and increases circulation in damaged tissues. Note: This treatment is also effective when used intravenously.
Stem cells can become new replacement cells and have natural anti-inflammatory properties reducing pain and increasing mobility.
..if your horse exhibits any of the following:
- Temperature greater than 102ºF
- Diminished gut sounds
- Increased heart rate
- Abnormal swelling
- Colic Pain (pawing, kicking or biting abdomen, rolling, repeatedly lying down and getting up, lip curling, sitting like a dog, generally violent behavior)
- Depression
- Lack of Appetite
- Putting head down as if to drink but NOT drinking
- Horse cannot get up after lying down
- Acute heat in the hoof o an unwillingness to stand on front feet
Normal Vital Signs:
Temperature 99-100.5 Degrees Fahrenheit
Pulse: 24-40 beats per minute at rest (varies with exercise, pain, illness, etc.)
Respiration: 12-24 breaths per minute (at rest, also varies)
Capillary Refill Time (CRT): Less than 2 seconds
---To perform this test, press on gums with your finger. Color should return in less than 2 seconds. Mucous membranes should be pink in color.
Gut Sounds should be heard on a regular basis (you can listen to your horse’s gut sounds by putting your ear or a stethoscope on his abdomen)
You can purchase any of these items and more from ABJ Equine for your first aid kit.
Your kit should contain the following:
- Stethoscoper
- Rectal thermometer
- Flashlight (with spare batteries)
- Watch with a second hand
- Scissors (bandage and small sharp)
- Hemostats
- Latex gloves
- Vetwrap (2 rolls)
- Elastikon
- Roll Gauze/Gauze Kling Wrap
- Permanent Marker
- Sheet Cotton
- Adhesive Tape
- Leg Wraps
- Surgical scrub (Chlorohexadine or Betadine scrub)
- Antiseptic Solution (Chlorohexadine or Betadine solution)
- Telfa pads
- Bute and/or Banamine Paste
- Biozide gel
- 4x4 Gauze sponges
- Clippers
We strongly recommend all horse owners consider purchasing equine insurance. This guarantees services can be rendered for emergencies and chronic illness. Equine insurance offers peace of mind for horse owners because it allows us to provide the best medical care possible. Often the cost of these state of the art diagnostics and procedures can be costly when paying out of pocket.
There are many insurance companies that will accommodate you and your needs. Some of the insurance brokers we commonly work with include:
Cunningham & Cunningham Live Stock, Inc
Phone: 845-782-9110
Fax: 845-782-9113